Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How To Get Over Difficult Times And Start A Life Full Of Positivity: Experiences Shared By Ravi Somani

Life is full of colors; sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Happy times give us beautiful memories to cherish forever but difficult times give us valuable lessons on life. Mr Ravi Somani, who has been through a difficult phase in his life, shares his experiences and tells the readers, how difficult times can be overcome and positivity can be retained despite unfavorable circumstances.

Let go of the negative feelings

Negative feelings not just deter you from thinking in the right direction but also blind you totally and push you in the wrong direction. So, give up all the negative feelings you have. Sharing experiences from his own life, Mr. Ravi Somani says that he was caught up in extremely complex legal issues over High Security Registration Plates, which lead to the distressing situations in his life, including dispute with Linkpoint Infrastructure Pvt Limited. So, he decided to draw a peaceful line and amicably resolve his dispute with the company by relinquishing his share holding in Utsav Safety Systems.

Tell yourself-“This too shall pass”

When difficult time get to you, don’t get worked up. Time doesn’t always remain the same, so, stay calm, relaxed and tell yourself-“This too shall pass”. This will not just help you to stay focused but will also help you to become stronger emotionally, says Mr. Ravi Somani.

Help someone in need

There is no joy bigger in the world than the joy of giving; therefore, devote yourself to a cause, it will make a difference in someone’s life and will help you to become a better individual. The complications involving Mr. Ravi Somani’s HSRP venture made him emotionally shattered, but, his zest to live life with positivity and make life good for others helped him to regain his strengths. He, with the help of his wife started Different Strokes NGO to make a difference to the lives of differently abled and economically backward kids. The NGO now brings smiles to many faces each day and gives immense satisfaction to Mr Somani.

Develop a hobby

If there is something you love doing and that makes you happy, you should definitely do it. It will perk you up instantly and give you something enjoyable to do, says Mr Ravi Somani. Mr. Somani who is a well known philatelist discovered joy in the difficult times by collecting stamps. He now has a good collection of stamps and values them more than anything else in the world.

Take some time out for relaxation

Sometimes we all just need a mental break. We get so caught up in a challenge that we don’t allow ourselves to Simply Breathe. Meditation can be very simple. Go into a quiet and comfortable space. Relax your muscles. Close your eyes. Take a deep, long breath and slowly exhale. Think happy and positive thoughts. Reflect on all the great experiences and wonderful people in your life that make you happy, this will make you feel blessed and get over negative thoughts.

Life teaches us many lessons each day. All you need to do is, learn from those experiences and use the lessons learnt to make someone else’s life positive and happy, concludes Mr. Ravi Somani.

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